Jane Barry (disambiguation)

"Jane Barry" is composed of at least 3 distinct authors, divided by their works.

Author Division

Jane Barry (1)

The Carolinians (1956) 27 copies
A Time in the Sun (1962) 26 copies
A Shadow of Eagles (1964) 5 copies
Maximilian's gold (1966) 3 copies

Jane Barry (2)

Hungry (1993) 4 copies
Casting (1993) 3 copies
Grand Illusions (1988) 2 copies
Le Mystere Cavendish (1983) 1 copy

Jane Barry (unknown)

The long march (1955) 1 copy

Common Knowledge

Disambiguation notice
1. Jane Barry, 1925-2001, historical novelist; author of A Time in the Sun, etc.
2. Jane Barry, English novelist and copywriter; author of The Conscience of the King, Cavendish Face, etc.
3. Jane F. Barry, b. 1966, American woman's rights author.