Brian Elliott (disambiguation)

"Brian Elliott" is composed of at least 8 distinct authors, divided by their works.

Author Division

Brian Elliott (unknown)

Common Knowledge

Disambiguation notice
1 Brian S. Elliott (1957-), author of Electromechanical Devices & Components Illustrated Sourcebook

2 Brian Elliott, author of Strawberry Shortcake and Baby Needs a Name

3 Brian Elliott (1910-1991), Australian literarture professor

4 Brian Elliott (1946-), UK historian focused on coal miners and mining

5 Brian Elliott (1969-), US professor of philosophy

6 Brian Elliott, author of They shall not grow old

7 Brian Elliott (1938-2024), UK artist, author of Silk-screen printing

8 Brian Elliott, US business exec, author of How the future works

There are multiple authors named "Brian Elliot". If you know more details of your author's name, such as the middle name, you can help distinguish them by entering the full details in your book's author field.