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Luis García Martín

Author of El amor del revés

21 Works 152 Members 10 Reviews

About the Author

Works by Luis García Martín


Common Knowledge



"Cuando vivimos de un modo estamos dejando de vivir de otros modos diferentes; cuando elegimos un lugar no somos capaces de imaginar lo que podría habernos ocurrido en otro lugar distinto. (...)
Tal vez cada uno de nosotros tenga una encrucijada en la que le sea posible apartarse imperiosamente de todo lo que posee. Incluso de sus recuerdos."
¿Qué pasaría si la vida pone frente a ti la oportunidad de vivir "otra vida"? Esa "otra vida" a la que renunciaste cuando te decidiste por la actual, la que tienes hoy. Si tomas esta otra vida vas a poder: retomar sueños a los que renunciaste, las mujeres/hombres con los que no te relacionaste, la aventuras que no viviste, los planes que no se pudieron lograr, los lugares que tal vez en esta vida no pudiste conocer o hasta las actividades económicas que alguna vez cruzaron por tu cabeza -¿quién no dijo en algún momento de su vida: seré astronauta, bailarina, mesero, locutor, tatuador, Director, ejecutivo, Presidente, y mil etcéteras?-.
Claro que siempre hay un precio y para tener esta "Otra vida" tendrías que renunciar por completo a "Esta vida" ¿tendrías el valor de dejar tu casa, tus seres queridos, tus amigos, tu trabajo, tus cosas? O mejor aún ¿qué sería lo que más extrañarías de "Esta vida": Tus libros, tu auto, tu club, tu familia, tu pareja?
"Desaparecer" de esta vida para empezar una nueva siempre me ha parecido un tema fascinante. Es más, siempre he querido escribir una historia -¿cuentos, novela? sobre el tema y es por eso me llevé este libro cuando se cruzó por mi camino en la pasada FIL y aunque no me decepcionó, en ocasiones la historia parece un poco floja y algunos temas repetitivos.
Lo que me gustó fue que me hizo enojarme, me dieron ganas de golpear al protagonista, al que odié a ratos, pero aun no sé si es porque lo consideré una de las personas más egoístas del mundo o porque se llega a envidiar y a cuestionar su "valor".
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GabbadelaMoraP | Apr 8, 2021 |
Estupendo. No ha habido ningún relato que no me gustara bastante o mucho.
cuentosalgernon | Jun 11, 2015 |

It took me just a little bit past the halfway mark into the reading of this tantalizing book before I felt myself becoming extremely filthy and complicit in my slow, but devoted, undertaking. I felt complicit because I believed I was being written upon by something I should have closed and turned away from. But in order to continue on with my reading of this sex-driven deceitful erection I reminded myself that this was a so-called “thinking person's book” dealing with duplicity and debauchery. And I like to think of myself as introspective and willing to have an open mind. But more importantly this book was begging the question as to which side of the fence I might stand on faced with the same given circumstances. I am certainly aware of lies and deceit engaged in by specific others I have had acquaintance with and/or superficially known or been a member of the family in some temporary or permanent fashion. And I realize and accept that none of us are completely honest with ourselves and others all of the time. But it has been my personal quest to be as truthful and forthcoming as I am able to be, given my own character flaws and subject past involved in the time others spent directing my upbringing and choosing my environment to grow up in. But I personally refuse now to be involved in a deceitful or dishonest relationship with anyone I am currently intimate with. People I cannot be honest with remain just acquaintances or a family member I am merely cordial with, and therefore, keep safe distance from.

The deceit among all the characters in this book is despicable. Even the writing is performed in a way that tricks the reader into thinking this book was written for him (or her). There is a promise suggested within this privilege of literary sophistication that somehow the story of these lives we are being entertained by will lead us eventually to something endearing, or even redeeming, and if not, at the very least, give us a dreadful ending we will never forget. But the book fails. And not one promise is ever kept. The ultimate victory Luisgé Martín can claim as his own is his achievement of having made his beastly mark upon me (and also that I read his text through unto the very last page). Something I am neither proud of nor thankful for.
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MSarki | Jan 24, 2015 |



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