Publisher SeriesMasters of Art

Bonnard by André Fermigier 27 copies
Bosch by Carl Linfert 106 copies, 2 reviews
Bruegel by Wolfgang Stechow 67 copies, 2 reviews
Caravaggio by Alfred Moir 103 copies
Caspar Friedrich (Masters of Art) by Wieland Schmied 19 copies, 1 review
Cezanne by Meyer Schapiro 142 copies
Constable (Masters of Art) by John Walker 17 copies
Corot by Madeleine Hours 17 copies
Dali (Masters of Art) by Robert Descharnes 150 copies
David by Luc de Nanteuil 40 copies
Degas by Daniel Catton Rich 50 copies
Edvard Munch by Thomas M. Messer 55 copies, 1 review
El Greco (Masters of Art) by Leo Bronstein 30 copies
Fernand Leger by Werner Schmalenbach 17 copies
Fragonard (Masters of Art) by Jean Montague Massengale 18 copies
Gauguin (Delphi Masters of Art Book 32) by Robert Goldwater 57 copies
Gianlorenzo Bernini by Charles Scribner, V 39 copies
Goya (Masters of Art) by José Gudiol 36 copies
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec by Douglas Cooper 101 copies, 1 review
Henri Matisse by John M. Jacobus 121 copies, 1 review
Ingres by Robert Rosenblum 46 copies, 1 review
Kandinsky by Thomas M. Messer 58 copies
Leonardo da Vinci (Masters of Art) by Jack Wasserman 98 copies
Magritte by Abraham Marie Hammacher 124 copies, 3 reviews
Manet (Masters of Art) by Pierre Courthion 55 copies
Marc Chagall by Werner Haftmann 105 copies, 1 review
Masters of Art: Courbet by Sarah Faunce 20 copies
Masters of Art: Malevich by Charlotte Douglas 16 copies
Masters of Art: Pissarro (Masters of Art Series) by John Rewald 20 copies
Masters of Art: Rembrandt by Ludwig Munz 44 copies
Max Beckmann (Masters of Art Series) by Stephan Lackner 27 copies
Michelangelo (Masters of Art) by Frederick Hartt 63 copies, 1 review
Modigliani (Masters of Art Series) by Alfred Werner 40 copies
Mondrian (Masters of Art) by Hans L. C. Jaffe 67 copies, 2 reviews
Monet (Masters of Art) by William C. Seitz 138 copies, 1 review
Picasso by Hans L. C. Jaffe 91 copies
Raphael by James H. Beck 21 copies
Renoir (Masters of Art) by Walter Pach 79 copies, 1 review
Rubens (Masters of Art) by Charles Scribner, V 47 copies, 1 review
Seurat by Pierre Courthion 59 copies
Soutine (Masters of Art) by Alfred Werner 16 copies
Tiepolo by William Barcham 26 copies
Van Dyck by Alfred Moir 8 copies
Van Eyck: Masters of Art by Simone Ferrari 15 copies
Velazquez by Maurice Sérullaz 20 copies
Vincent Van Gogh by Meyer Schapiro 296 copies
Vuillard (Masters of Art) by Stuart Preston 40 copies
Zurbaran by Jonathan Brown 22 copies

