How do you join a completed project?

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How do you join a completed project?

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Mar 19, 2011, 1:12 pm

While cleaning up a series, I found a title in a legacy library that had no author. So I couldn't combine. No big deal generally if individual LTers have orphaned works, or if a legacy library had orphaned just a few titles. In this case the legacy library had over 700 orphaned works, and embarrassingly for LT, the first two in my sort happened to be written by the legacy author, who now doesn't share at least two of the author's popular work with any other LTer.

So, I'm thinking I should start to clean up those orphaned works. IMO, the author field should never be blank.

But who do I contact to join a completed project?

Should "completed" projects be without an active contact?

I have sent a message to Jeremy.

Mar 19, 2011, 2:43 pm

I've sent you the info for that one.

Sometimes the author field should be left blank. It depends on the work. If there are edge cases, ask about them.

Mar 19, 2011, 2:46 pm

Also, there are ways to combine no-author works with other words. You can always just post them in the Combiners group, and someone there with the workaround can do it.

Mar 19, 2011, 3:27 pm

I agree all previous posts. I think most people who have taken a lead on a Legacy project would be happy for information to improve catalogs marked "complete". I know I've worked on some that we have to mark "complete" although we know it is far from it. We do the best we can with the information at hand at the time.

In this particular case, it sounds like a big combining project needs to be underway so this LL is integrated better into the whole.

Mar 19, 2011, 3:31 pm

Yah. Also, of course there's no need for the login info to do most combination work, unless the data in the catalog is bad. Then, of course, it'll be necessary.

Some of the problem arises from people dropping off either partway through a LL project or when they've finished it, making it difficult to contact them (and then leading to frustration when they don't respond).

It's probably best to just post a thread in the group or contact me; I'll put a note to this effect on the wiki page for completed projects.