Diary of a Teenage Girl: It's My Life

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Diary of a Teenage Girl: It's My Life

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Jan 21, 2012, 7:29 pm

Book: Diary of a Teenage Girl: It’s My Life

Author: Melody Carlson

Pages read: 1-245

Summary: Caitlyn has put off guys since last year and she is becoming closer to God. At the beginning of the book she really struggles with being a christian and the “duties” of being one. She seems to be hanging with her friend Andrea but after a couple of weeks of doing the Beanie (Caitlyn’s best friend) gets in a horrible accident and loses her baby and goes into a depression and that is when Caitlyn starts helping out more and gets a “secret” fund for Beanie to go to Mexico. Scott (Beanies ex boyfriend/dad of the baby) is messed up as well and Caitlyn/Beanie help him get a fund to go on the missions trip as well. But she really starts becoming closer to God when she goes on a missions trip to Mexico. While she is in Mexico she helps out a two orphanages. One that she helped out at (with others) she meets a little girl named Rosa and even considers telling her parents to adopt her, but then she finds out the kids at the orphanage are un-adoptable meaning that the parents still want them even though they are alcoholics or druggies and such. When Caitlyn really started changing was when she went to the garbage dump where these little kids search for food and she goes back more and more and when she gets home she even starts her own fund. Along this journey Caitlyn gets incredibly close with God even though there are struggles for her along the way but it isn’t easy being a christian but by the end of the book she is really proud of herself and getting others to become believers as well.

P: This book is in the present. The U.S. are struggling with a lot of teen pregnancies and Caitlyn’s friend was sixteen and pregnant but lost the baby while jumping in front of a car to save the little boy she was babysitting.

E: Diary of a Teenage Girl: It’s My Life shows lots of ethical and moral things in it. This book shows good morals because people do struggle with their faith and Caitlyn overcomes the obstacles very well.

A: One theme could be Give Back to the Need. I really liked how when Caitlyn got back from the missions trip she made her own little fundraiser thing and kept raising money for those little kids at the garbage dump.

Connections: One major connection to this book that I have is that I struggle with my faith a lot and I try over-coming it but I love the way Caitlyn handles the obstacles in this book.

Jan 22, 2012, 10:44 pm

So were dose Caitlyn live? Is it by Mexico of is it like when Sydney went down there and it took awhile?

Jan 22, 2012, 10:48 pm

i think i might pick up this book the next time im at the library. It sounds like its a very insightful and emotional journey. my favorite kinds of books :)

Feb 5, 2012, 10:12 am

Excellent entry LGalindo! Glad you're liking the book.

Feb 5, 2012, 2:01 pm

She lives in California. :)

Feb 5, 2012, 5:16 pm

This sounds like a good book:)

Feb 5, 2012, 11:20 pm

This books sounds really intense. Caitlyn sounds very mature and strong for a teenager.

Feb 6, 2012, 12:25 am

that sounds like a really cool book! :P

Feb 11, 2012, 8:47 pm

It is a good book and she is a very strong mature teenager. :) But there is a lot of swearing in the book though.. sometimes I was like woahhhh! :P