U.S. Aid to Egypt and the Camp David Accords

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U.S. Aid to Egypt and the Camp David Accords

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Feb 20, 2012, 6:28 pm

As most might have recently heard, the new Muslim Brother government in Egypt has threatened to re-open the peace treaty with Israel if the U.S. shuts off aid to Egypt over the recent arrest of American aid workers in Egypt.

According to this post by Issandr El Amrani at The Arabist, there actually is no basis in the Camp David Accords for U.S. aid to Egypt. I'm rather surprised by this. It's "common knowledge," I think, that the U.S. bought Egyptian agreement for the treaty by the promise of billions of dollars of aid, or at least such aid was what pulled Egypt into agreeing to what was definitely a very risky agreement for the leadership (Sadat did, after all, basically lose his life over it, and he probably knew that that was a risk of the agreement).