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Jun 3, 2007, 6:13 am


The "AllLibraryThingISBNs.xml.gz" and "WikipediaCitations.xml.gz" files in "" are getting a bit old
The latest version is from 26-Feb-2007.

Any change of an update?

Some Academic Libraries are actually using LibraryThing and Wikipedia data in their OPAC/Search Systems, you know.

Well, at least we do.......


Jun 3, 2007, 9:38 am

Are you using either of those, or are you using the thingISBN feed, or the API? The API should be pretty up-to-date. I need to look about the feed.

Don't tell me you're using the Wikipedia file, are you? (If so, PLEASE tell me who you are!)

Jun 3, 2007, 10:51 am

Oh yes we do...

We did use your API in the past but switched to the feeds the moment it was available.
Storing the data at our local server speeds up the searches quite a lot.

At the moment we combine data from xISBN with ThingISBN to get the best results BTW.
But we do prefer to use ThingISBN because it’s both free and faster (local database as opposed to a remote query), even if it’s not *cough* quite as informative as xISBN.

We also use the original Wikipedia files AND your Wikipedia feed-file for searching and displaying search results in our systems.

If you promise to update your feeds we will also add the Wikipedia links from your feed to our search results.


Jun 3, 2007, 11:01 am

Deal. (Although give me a day or two.) What library are you with?

Jun 3, 2007, 12:46 pm

An update in two or more days would be great.

I work at the University of Groningen in The Netherlands.
So we are an Academic AND European AND non-English Library.
We have 798.000 ISBN's in our catalog with an 13.8% overlap with LT ISBN's.

Jul 10, 2007, 5:59 am

Any news about an update?

Oct 3, 2007, 3:26 am

Still no updates in ...