The oddest book mark you've ever found


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The oddest book mark you've ever found

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Aug 20, 2013, 5:55 pm

Mine run the gamut from money to old theatre tickets. What's yours?

Aug 21, 2013, 2:11 pm

Found an old tin-type of a guy in a straw boater saving the place for someone (never to return) in a used book purchase.

Personally, I made a bunch of bookmarks in the design I like using new money from Zimbabwe (the old bills that became worthless). The bills are clean and new, they cost pennies apiece, and the paper is acid neutral and may never wear out. Plus, the intricate designs make for interesting looking bookmarks, and the look varies depending on what part of the bill I use and how I fold the bookmark. Here are a few views:

Bookmark in use (recto)

Bookmark in use (verso)

Bookmark (naked); If you could peek inside, you'd see a water buffalo. Sorry for the poor image, and the digital artifact across the middle.
