Trying to find book

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Trying to find book

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Jul 28, 2015, 1:34 am

Hi,I'm new her.,I'm trying to find the first book I ever read,
It's in modern times about this lady who runs away from her father's home because she was having bad memories, she ends up at this ranch where these 2 brothers are staying they have cabins there and they let her stay after she argued with them a bit, she ends up falling off a horse and breaking her leg, after that she moves out but the one brother went to go check on her and she hadn't taken care of herself and was very sick he took her home with her protesting all the way so he could take care of her, the then realize she was running from something in her childhood when she was molested she gets kidnapped and ends up falling in love. It was a Christian book. Any help would be appreciated!

Jul 28, 2015, 2:50 am


This question is much better to ask in the Name That Book Group. Be sure to read the instructions at the top before you post it there!

Jul 28, 2015, 7:33 am
