Member Giveaways/Early Reviewers cover upload SQL

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Member Giveaways/Early Reviewers cover upload SQL

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Aug 3, 2015, 3:33 pm

I've received email reports from a couple of individuals regarding this bug, as well as observing it myself in prepping the August batch of Early Reviewers books. Here's what I saw happen:

1. Go to Early Reviewers or Member Giveaways page.
2. Click "Your Giveaways" tab if you have current or pending giveaways. If not, start a giveaway from the MG page. Set it for the minimum amount of time—1 week.
3. From "Your Giveaways" tab, click title to edit a giveaway.
4. Copy the URL of a cover image for your giveaway, paste it into "Grab one from the web" under "Custom cover?" on the giveaway web form.
5. Click "save" at the bottom of the page.

SQL/error message:

INSERT INTO work_to_cover_best ( wtcb_work, wtcb_idtype, wtcb_customcover ) VALUES ( 4928871, 0, NULL, NULL)

6. Click again on the title of your giveaway to edit it. The cover should appear, anyway. In the cases I've found, the cover uploads successfully, despite the weird SQL message.

I'm not sure it helps, but one of the reports I received had different values in the INSERT operation. It read as follows:

INSERT INTO work_to_cover_best ( wtcb_work, wtcb_idtype, wtcb_id, wtcb_customcover ) VALUES ( 16257738, 0, NULL, 9656176)

Sep 23, 2015, 5:03 pm

I think this has been fixed, yes? Closing.

Sep 23, 2015, 11:35 pm

Yes. Fixed.