Romance novel??

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Romance novel??

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Oct 12, 2016, 11:26 am

I read this book around 2010 maybe but I do not think it was new then.

It begins with a girl who lives on a farm and falls for a guy that works with the horses. He thinks she is to young for him but he likes her to. Something bad happens ( maybe someone gets hurt or killed) and the guy runs away because he had something to do with it or was being blamed for it. I can't remember.

Then the book jumps several years and the girl is grown up. She is married to that guys brother. But there was an accident. Some kind of fire her husband was hurt in (possibly died?). Now this is where it gets confusing...the man she is with after the fire is actually the guy from the beginning. Somehow he came back and the brothers switched identities during or after the fire. But since they look so much alike and her husband needed surgery after the fire she doesn't know it.

And that's all I can remember!!

I hope atleast some of that made sense and someone out there can help me. This has been driving me crazy!!!
