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Feb 14, 2017, 5:00 pm

Has the book improved for you?

Feb 14, 2017, 5:21 pm

This was the most interesting section yet.

Feb 14, 2017, 6:37 pm

No....I'm looking forward to it being over.

Feb 14, 2017, 6:48 pm

>3 Olivermagnus: Oh, dear, Lynda... Not good.
I found this section slightly easier to get through.

Feb 14, 2017, 11:03 pm

I've been enjoying the whole book all along. I've noticed that Berry always has a few stories interweaving in all his books and then everything comes together in the end. This book is long but not really too much different from his other books.

Feb 15, 2017, 1:51 am

This one is the longest of them so far:

Book 1 : 576 Pages
Book 2 : 544 Pages
Book 3 : 560 Pages
Book 4 : 608 Pages

Overall this one just is not as good a story in my opinion and feels more bitty and lacking a flow, also characters don't seem as engaging. I am missing some of the usual characters too. Not sure I really care what happened to the submarine by this stage.

Feb 15, 2017, 9:09 pm

No. I found this section hard to bear and I tuned out at times. Hopefully it will be better going forward as I'll get back to reading instead listening.

Feb 15, 2017, 9:41 pm

>7 bluebird_: - It's not you. I drifted off several times too.

Feb 15, 2017, 9:47 pm

>8 Olivermagnus:. So glad to know it's not just me!

Feb 15, 2017, 11:13 pm

>6 Andrew-theQM:
My book is a hardback and it is only 503 pages

Edited: Feb 16, 2017, 8:03 am

>6 Andrew-theQM: - Mine is the Kindle version at 578.

Feb 16, 2017, 11:03 am

Large print coming in with 727. It was the only form the library had it in. Beggars can't be choosers:)

Edited: Feb 16, 2017, 1:56 pm

I took the page lengths off the Amazon paperback versions so I was comparing like for like.

>10 EadieB: Like you Eadie I am reading the hardback version at 503 pages.

Feb 17, 2017, 1:43 am

I'm still interested in the story of the sub and hoping that Cotton finally gets some answers - as we've seen in the prior books in the endnotes, his father's death has had a huge impact on his life.

The rest of the story is a bit more convoluted than it needs to be though and there are parts that just don't interest me. However, I am EAGERLY AWAITING the (hopefully!) violent and painful death that I see coming for Langford Ramsey :)