Writing and Graphic Systems in Africa

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Writing and Graphic Systems in Africa

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Jan 17, 2008, 12:21 pm

Inscribing Meaning:
Writing and Graphic Systems in African Art

Fowler Museum of Art, UCLA
Los Angeles, CA
Exhibit runs from October 14, 2007 to February 17, 2008


Inscribing Meaning brings together one hundred outstanding works of art from a range of periods, regions, genres, and peoples in order to consider the interplay between African art and the communicative power of graphic systems, language, and the written word. The exhibit explores the multiple messages and aesthetic intent of exceptional artworks including ancient Egyptian funerary arts; masks, sculpture, textiles, and adornment from across the continent; illuminated liturgical texts; and the work of contemporary artists.

The exhibition is a collaboration between the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of African Art and the Fowler Museum at UCLA.

Web presentation
