Copying an existing Book so it can be edited

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Copying an existing Book so it can be edited

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Nov 30, 2019, 7:12 am


I have started listing my personal "family history" book collection mainly so I don't acquire duplicate copies by mistake and so that I know where the copies are !

I'm working through my collection of original British Army Lists and am currently on the 1850's . At this point in time they were published monthly and so the only differences are the year, page count and month. Is there a way to copy an entry and just edit it (as I only need to edit a few fields) I should add I am entering manually and I would like each monthly army list to appear as a separate book

I am sure its a common issue .

Hope someone can help - many thanks !

Nov 30, 2019, 7:59 am

What most people do is open two tabs in their browser then just copy paste the information.
There is no good way to copy a book. (Maybe in the redesign that's coming?)

Others will recommend add ins for the browser to do the work. That would depend on if you're comfortable doing so.