After finishing

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After finishing

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Edited: Sep 22, 2009, 2:14 pm

Do you think that an inanimate object can take on a life of its own?
Adelia seems to think that the sword that she used to kill Wolf protected her but wasn't it really her own sense of self preservation?

Sep 28, 2009, 11:55 am

I think that this was the first clue that the sword was Excaliber. Excaliber, I think, was supposed to have special powers but for Arthur. It has been a long time since I read about King Arthur. At any rate, even if it was her own sense of self preservation, she did feel that the sword gave her the ability to act.

Oct 1, 2009, 6:05 pm

inanimate objects can take on a life of their own if a person allows themselves to believe it is possible. Just like a child with a teddy bear being able to understan what they are saying. in reality it can do nothing but what the imagination can think up.

Edited: Oct 7, 2009, 12:47 pm

I think that Excaliber can be used by any of England's rightful kings. At least that is what I remember the ending of the Once and Future King as saying. It cannot be used by a usurper. That is the reason why Uther Pendragon couldn't use it. Even though he was what England needed in a ruler he was a usurper and had lied and killed to obtain the throne. Arthur on the other hand was the rightful and lawful heir. Therefore, he could pull it from the stone and had the right to use Excaliber.