ALERT! smellthecoffee is now nautilus_library

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ALERT! smellthecoffee is now nautilus_library

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1nautilus_library First Message
Mar 9, 2007, 11:19 am

Hi, this is "smellthecoffee" under my new LT identity. I just want to let you know that i have moved my library catalogue and profile to "nautilus_library". The "smellthecoffee" catalog will be used for other functions, e.g., wish lists. (I made the change because "smellthecoffee" was not a lifetime account and "nautilus_library" is.)

(aka smellthecoffee)

Mar 9, 2007, 11:32 am

To verify that the above post is real, i am confirming, under my "smellthecoffee" i.d., that i am the same person as "nautilus_library". (I added that new account because "smellthecoffee" isn't a lifetime account; however "smellthecoffee" will still be used for complimentary purposes yet to be determined.