Sandra Alonzo, author of Riding Invisible (May 10-23)

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Sandra Alonzo, author of Riding Invisible (May 10-23)

May 10, 2010, 9:51 am

Please welcome Sandra Alonzo, author of Riding Invisible. Sandra will be chatting on LibraryThing until May 23rd.

May 14, 2010, 2:09 pm

Hi, I'm Sandra Alonzo, author of Riding Invisible published by Disney/Hyperion. This unique YA novel is written in journal format in the voice of Yancy Aparicio, a 15 year old boy who runs away on his horse to escape his mentally disturbed brother. The story is partly told through illustrations and comic panels, drawn by Nathan Huang, a fabulous illustrator. It also includes sections written in verse, when Yancy occasionallybreaks away from his story to create a poem or section of prose. Not only is Riding Invisible an exciting adventure, it covers many school-friendly topics such as mental illness, family dynamics, racial issues, and bullying. It works very well for reluctant readers, mainstream readers and adults. Kids are connecting to Riding Invisible because it's a fast read and pretty much 'speaks' to them through the contemporary format, language, subject matter, a very cool art. I hope some of you will check out my book, ask a few questions, and hopefully make some comments during my week here on Author Chat. Thanks!

May 16, 2010, 11:07 pm

The three reviews of Riding Invisible posted on this website, includes one particularly insightful review by Richie Partington.

It's honestly worth taking a look at.

Sandra Alonzo

May 21, 2010, 5:26 pm

As a former educator with LAUSD for many years, I know how important teacher's guides are for almost any project. Hyperion has published a beautiful discussion guide for Riding Invisible.

Sandra Alonzo
YA author