JG Farrell's TROUBLES wins "Lost" Booker Prize

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JG Farrell's TROUBLES wins "Lost" Booker Prize

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May 21, 2010, 2:04 pm

In case you missed the news that hit (the US) Wednesday afternoon: Troubles by J. G. Farrell won the Lost Booker Prize, which was awarded (the winner was decided in a poll) to a book published in 1970—a year for which no Booker was awarded. For more on this, and to find out what Farrell himself thought about the book while writing it (and for the book's Block Island, N.H. connection) visit our blog: bit.ly/bd5kQv

May 23, 2010, 8:04 am

And I'm just thrilled! Troubles is my favorite of Farrell's empire trilogy and it's always bothered me that it didn't get the Booker while The Siege of Krishnapur did.