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14 Works 293 Members 4 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the names: Lois Rabey, Lois Mowday

Works by Lois Mowday Rabey


Common Knowledge

20th Century
Places of residence
Colorado, USA



Most people don't plan to have an affair. And most of them think it could never happen to them. Because they don't recognize the subtle danger signs, they can suddenly find themselves in a dangerous relationship - with devastating consequences. It can start off innocently enough. Someone cares enough to pay attention. To look into your eyes. To touch with understanding. Even with the best of motives, it's easy to slip gradually, almost imperceptibly, into the snare of an emotional or sexual entanglement. In The Snare - a frank, sometimes startling book - Lois Mowday Rabey gives us a clear look at the paths to sexual immorality using real-life accounts of Christians who have struggled and failed. She returns repeatedly to the single focus that conquers temptation: a strong personal relationship with Christ. And she outlines the clear guidelines in Scripture for establishing healthy relationships in today's value neutral" world. Rabey offers specific advice for conduct in the workplace (where many affairs begin), for gracefully getting out of compromising situations, and for single adults (whether never married, widowed, or divorced). We shouldn't push the issue of immorality aside because we seem to be okay, because we feel secure in the center of an evangelical church, have daily devotions, and memorize Scripture" writes Rabey. We can have all these right practices and more, yet still fall" Emotional and sexual entanglements are a snare. They are so enticing, so promising, and they offer something that seems so good. Lois Mowday Rabey helps us see them for the dangerous trap they really are. And she offers help to those wanting to avoid the snare or escape its grasp. Whether you work with people who struggle with this issue or you just want to protect yourself against the subtle snare of immorality, 'The Snare' is an invaluable resource.… (more)
wpcalibrary | Jan 29, 2024 |




  書中為您精挑細選出《聖經》關鍵性的101則經句,用淺顯易懂的方式使讀者聽見神的旨意,並直接切入一般人閱讀聖經時最常提出的問題。來吧,讓《101句讀通聖經》來為你打通閱讀《聖經》困難的任督二脈,讓讀者在精選的聖經章節中,提綱挈領地掌握《聖經》的要義,進而打開通往《聖經》之門,親自體驗《聖經》浩瀚的世界。… (more)
OCMCCP | 1 other review | Jun 3, 2013 |
One year ago, in the april 1980 issue of Moody monthly, we ran the full account of the tragedy that set the stage for this story. It was entitled, 'Fire in the Sky.'
kijabi1 | Jan 1, 2012 |
This latest offering in The 101 Most Powerful series sets out to motivate, encourage and redirect Christian believers through 101 powerful biblical promises. Utilizing a combination of historical facts, current newsworthy happenings and anecdotes from her own life, Ford succeeds in fleshing out key biblical principles, providing her readers with substantial truths to reflect upon long after the book has been closed. Whether Christian followers suffer from a joyless existence, need wise instruction or find themselves mired in religious legality, Ford supplies biblical cures found in the Old and New Testaments. Her pithy, energetic style makes the reading and the contemplating palatable, while she simultaneously offers a faithful, biblical perspective. Each promise opens with a Scripture verse; a concise but ample essay commenting on said verse, including lessons applicable for daily life; and a direct prayer. Ford snares her readers' attention with fascinating historical tidbits woven through many of her devotions. Take the reference found in Luke 6:38, where believers are instructed to give generously, expecting that their gift will be returned to them in the same measure. Ford provides a mini-sidebar detailing the habits and customs of grain merchants from Jesus' time, explaining how each merchant was, if honest, always to err on the side of the customer. Readers from across the Christian spectrum will discover help, hope and instruction within this compilation of powerful promises.… (more)
libronica | 1 other review | Mar 7, 2011 |

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