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8 Works 134 Members 76 Reviews

Works by Ellen Rogers


Common Knowledge




Un incidente d'auto può avere conseguenze pesantissime. Molte vite vengono stravolte non solo quella del protagonista Ned ma quella dell'intera famiglia, cani compresi. Il salotto si trasforma in ospedale da campo e la casa deve essere ampliata e riadattata. Per non farci mancare nulla entra in scena una scimmia capuccina da lavoro, Kasey, con tutte le sue particolari esigenze e il carattere non facile.
Onore al merito dell'associazione helping hands che impiega anni e risorse nell'addestramento di questi animaletti che aiutano persone affette da gravi disabilità.
Grazie a Ellen Rogers per questo libro diverso dal solito, commovente, esaltante, esilarante.
Considerazione personale : il nonno che acquistò lo scimpanzè Jolie come animale da compagnia per i suoi figli (avevano anche un pappagallo) doveva avere una rotella fuori posto
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Lillymao | Aug 4, 2022 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
This was a very inspirational book, one that would be a perfect read for anyone who is disabled or knows someone who is. I know everyone doesn’t need a helper monkey (or dog), but everyone can benefit from having a pet in their life.

Kasey was adorable, just look at that face!! I loved the way she interacted with Ned, and that she gave him so much more than comfort. It amazed me how his pain eased just by her being near.

I loved how she had to make sure everyone in the house knew their (and her) place. That was the only way she could trust Ned and Ellen 100%, and know they were her “people”.

Like the blurb says, Kasey sure was a diva! The story about the purse and mirror that Ellen bought her was priceless, and so was reading about her candy snatching.

I didn’t think having a helper monkey would be so much work, but do think it would be well worth the time and energy. Her impact on the family, especially Ned, was priceless.

Even though Ned and his mom were going through the toughest time in their life, Kasey was a very bright light in that darkness. I don’t think Ned would have recovered as well as he did without her.

This book has been sitting on my tbr shelf for a long long time, and I wish it hadn’t taken me so long to get it. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to read something that is truly uplifting.

Kudos to Helping Hands and it’s employees, and other organizations like them.
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VickiLN | 74 other reviews | Apr 25, 2014 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
So those of you that read my reviews regularly know that I am an animal lover, so this book is an automatic favorite of mine. While the monkey obviously was a huge part of the story there was so much more to this book.

This one was kind of in reverse for me emotionally, I normally cry at the end of a book - but this one had me crying right from the start. As Ellen makes her way to be with her son and she explains what happens, and what is going on in her mind I instantly began to tear up. I'm not a mother yet, so I can only imagine the rollercoaster that you go through emotionally when you find out your child has been seriously injured. The emotional connection was so strong for me with this book. It took me through fear, happiness, sadness, frustration, anger, joy, and contentment.

I did love Kasey, he was always getting into mischief! Once Kasey was introduced to the story there was always something going on. However this was more of a story of a family trying to learn to live new lives in the face of a tragedy then it was a story about a monkey. Kasey becomes an integral part of the new lifestyle that Ellen and her family take on but there was so much more that the family had to deal with to become what they are now.

This story is so touching. I really connected with Ellen and her family right from the beginning. I'd say that even if you aren't the animal lover that I am you would still enjoy this book so much!
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Justjenniferreading | 74 other reviews | Apr 25, 2012 |



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