
Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Mar 23, 2019
Real Name
Francis Soleil Story
About My Library
As of now, I only own about 500 books, but I'm working on getting more and I plan on having a personal library when I grow up and buy myself a million-dollar manison (like THAT's ever gonna happen), or I might just stick to a few shelves and piles of books everywhere else - as long as you don't break the spine! That's my biggest pet-peave. Broken spines, ripped out pages, torn or folded covers, writing in books (unless it's the author's signature). Anything that will hurt the book hurts me.
About Me
Hey everyone! I may be young - fourteen years old - but that's old enough to know that books are amazing and that you can never ever EVER get enough of them. I love reading, and read anywhere between fifteen and thirty books a month. Reading is my thing and LibraryThing is perfect for me - it's what I've always needed! In a nutshell, I'm a wanna-be author-illistrator who's always looking for another good read.
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