Book Events for NicoleCreely

Events within the books in NicoleCreely's library

12th century BCE

14th century

16th century


19th century

5th century BCE

75th Annual Hunger Games

9/11 Terrorist Attacks, Twin Towers and Pentagon

Accession of Elizabeth I

AIDS epidemic

American Civil War

The Anarchy

Anglo-Spanish War

Arrival at the Library

Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Babington Plot

Battle of Bosworth Field

Battle of Dien Bien Phu

Battle of Evesham

Battle of Five Armies

Battle of Hogwarts

Battle of the Department of Mysteries

Battle of Waterloo

Beat Generation

Black Death

Bombing of Dresden

Butlerian Jihad



Classical Antiquity

Cleansing of Saidin

Clutter family murder

Cold War [in Star Wars]

Conquest of Wales

Cádiz Raid

Death of King George III

Donner Party

Elizabethan Era

End of the Library

End of the Third Age

English Reformation

English Religious Settlement

Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots

French Resistance

Great Fire of London

Great Galactic War

Gunpowder Plot

Halloween 1958


Holy Week

Hundred Days

Indian Rebellion of 1857

Jazz Age

July Revolution

June Rebellion

the killing of Danny Hansford


The King's Champion Contest

Middle Ages

Napoleonic Wars

New Kingdom of Egypt

Nineteen Year Winter

Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt

Norman Conquest of England

Oxford Parliament

Papal Election

Protestant Reformation

Quarter Quell

Queen Elena's Quest

Quest of Erebor

Reign of Henry VIII

Russian Revolution

Scarlet Fever Epidemic

Second Barons' War

Second Crusade

September 11 Attacks

September 11th 2001

Sinking of the Spanish Armada

Spanish Civil War

St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre


The Tri-Wizard Tournament

Trojan War

Tudor Era

United States presidential election

Velvet Revolution

Vietnam War

War of the Five Kings

War of the Usurper

Wars of the Roses

Watergate Scandal

World Series

World War I

World War II

World War II, Italian Campaign