Book Series for wellaubviously

Series that books in wellaubviously's library belong to

Summary: 56 Series

Alex Stern


Azaro Trilogy

Best American

The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy

The Best American Short Stories

Book of Night

The Book of the New Sun

Chronicles of the Wolf Queen

The Copenhagen Trilogy

The Daevabad Trilogy

Danielle Cain

Dark Matter Anthologies

Dark Star Trilogy


Dune: Complete Chronology

Elysium Cycle

The Farseer Trilogy

The Girl Who

The Goblin Emperor

Goon Squad

Hainish Cycle

Hainish Cycle, Chronological

The Handmaid's Tale

Imperial Radch

Lady Trent's Memoirs

The Locked Tomb

Malazan Book of the Fallen

Malazan Chronology

The Marrow Thieves

The Masquerade

Monk & Robot

The Murderbot Diaries

Murderbot Diaries : Chronological order

Nervous Conditions


The Once and Future King

Oxford Time Travel

The Poppy War

Realm of the Elderlings

Remembrance of Earth's Past

The Riddle-Master Trilogy

The Rising World

Rook & Rose

The Roots of Chaos

Selin Karadag

Solar Cycle

The Southern Reach


The Tensorate Series

Terra Ignota

The Unreal and the Real

The Vorrh

Who Fears Death


World of Malazan