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Mar 30, 2007, 4:24 pm

hi everyone! Just thought I'd let you know I joined this group. I would invite you to view my profile but when I click on the Profile tab it takes me to a page that says this user has been deleted or never existed. So, anyway, when I get that figured out I'll have you over. LOL

Apr 1, 2007, 2:58 pm

Yup, that's what it says when I try to visit your profile too. LOL! I had a virus invade my machine yesterday and make a lot of my internet stuff wonky, maybe that's what happened to your profile. Can you access your library?

Apr 10, 2007, 12:31 am

Yep. You have 975 books listed. Awesome!! I'm getting there.

Apr 10, 2007, 6:54 pm

I bought the Cue Cat so scanning goes a little faster. But it only works on about 1/3 of my books. Still, typing in the ISBN is faster than having to type in everything like I have to for my home brew booklist. :-) I've been trying to do a shelf at a time so I have a backup copy of my booklist.

Did you know that if you already have a list with the ISBN's you can import it and Library Thing will look them all up? I did that with about 250 of mine that I'd listed ISBNs for.

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