Are you cataloging your workbooks?

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Are you cataloging your workbooks?

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1jennyberm First Message
Apr 1, 2007, 4:06 pm

Just curious if other homeschoolers are including their workbooks (ie Singapore Math or TOPScience) in their libraries or if you are only including real/living books.


Apr 1, 2007, 9:19 pm

Hi, I'm cataloging coloring & activity books, pathway readers, textbooks, and I plan to catalogue reusable workbooks; such as literature guides and anything else we don't tend to write in. In time I may change my mind though. I recognize your name from another hs board. I am using my usual online name as well, so perhaps we've already chatted before.

I'm still very new to LT; just today I learned how to scan my book cover images in that aren't already provided :o) - with dh's help ofcourse.

Apr 1, 2007, 9:28 pm

Yeah, I recognize you too. We probably learned about LT from the same person, lol... Kris?

That makes sense to catalog things that you won't be writing in, like coloring books that you will photocopy. Thanks!

Apr 3, 2007, 5:08 pm

I used to keep track of the workbooks on my home brew database, but couldn't keep up so now the workbooks are all over and the list is out of date. (I used to try to keep track of the Thomas the Tank Engine trains too!) I had hoped that by keeping track I wouldn't buy duplicates. Now I just give up and if I've bought a duplicate-someone will use it I have 3 littles ones after all.

But these aren't workbooks that are serious parts of our studies. I might keep better track if they were items that were essential.

Apr 3, 2007, 11:51 pm

Hello all! I am not cataloging my workbooks, unless it is something that I make copies out of for multiple use. If its a consumable workbook then I'm not going to bother. I have too many too get into LT as it is. he he!

6ChristineMM First Message
Apr 4, 2007, 7:40 pm

Hi, I post everything that I can as it is a way for me to track what I own.

I have been working hard on putting all my books in Excel and am finally done with that. I am at about 6400 books.

Now I am going to try to put them in LT just because I think LT is so much fun!

Apr 6, 2007, 9:09 pm

I'm cataloging everything, and tagging everything I catalogue (year of publication, subject, physical location, etc.).

My oldest has just turned 4, and I want to be able to put my hands on anything we own within a a few minutes of needing it. Since it's going to be years before we need the advanced stuff, I'm filing that in "dead" corners (on L shaped shelves) or sticking it in boxes.

Apr 23, 2007, 8:08 pm

I am cataloguing everything including work books to reduce duplication. I am a reasonably addictive book buyer and have to be careful to ensure I do not duplicate. In any event with an active 3 year old who likes to ‘read’ – I like to be able to know where books are (or are meant to be). For this reason I add a location Tag. Tried many cataloguing systems over the years including plenty of spreadsheets and home databases – this one is by far the best commercial program. Currently I am at work cataloguing and will be buying full membership when I reach the ’free limit’.

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