Wishlist Tag Game (International) Part 2


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Wishlist Tag Game (International) Part 2

This topic is currently marked as "dormant"—the last message is more than 90 days old. You can revive it by posting a reply.

Mar 17, 2012, 4:11 pm

I am reviving this thread because it was fun. The last one had over 200 posts in it so I am starting a fresh one. See! See, how fresh it is?

Macsbrains is it.

Jess, I tag you with Plain Kate. It is an ARC in perfect condition and just because you are awesome, I will throw in The Green Fairy Book which is a Dover HB ex-library.

What sayeth you? Will you accept my taggage?

Mar 17, 2012, 7:41 pm

I sayeth, yay! Of course I will accept your taggage. I am super excited! I've really been wanting to read Plain Kate because I have been seduced by its cover, and this will be my first fairy book. I love fairytales!

That means you're it now! I have a couple of things on your list, but I haven't read them yet. Will push them up the queue.

Edited: Mar 17, 2012, 10:26 pm

OK, I have posted it and reserved it on BM for you. I will just throw in the Green Fairy Book. I am excited to give you your first one. I have read them all. One day I will own the beautiful Folio Society editions (especially the ones illustrated by Niroot Puttapipat *THUD*

Alright, I'm it now!

Mar 18, 2012, 1:01 am

>3 Belladonna1975: Thank you! :)