Chat about... Fledgling by Octavia Butler

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Chat about... Fledgling by Octavia Butler

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May 8, 2012, 2:44 pm

Did you love Fledgling by Octavia Butler? Hated it? Seen an interesting article about the book? Felt the book was a victim to superfluous commas? Loved the book, hated the cover?

Discuss it all here! Spoilers abound, enter at your own risk...

Mar 28, 2013, 9:20 pm

Really enjoyed this book! It's an interesting variation on the vampire legend. I liked the focus on the "science" behind the species. And for once the old amnesia plot device didn't feel hackneyed.

I enjoyed the writing style, and must hunt out more books by Octavia Butler.

Also, does it make me a bad person that I think it's funny that the Librarian got murdered as she was metaphorically skipping along singing "tra la la , at last I am happy"?

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