Pastoral Letter of Eritrean Catholic Bishops

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Pastoral Letter of Eritrean Catholic Bishops

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Jun 19, 2014, 4:11 am

I just thought some people might be interested in seeing a Pastoral Letter from an African Catholic Church. This one is quite thoughtful, referring often to the teaching of the Church, and exploring some pressing local issues using careful language but nevertheless at some personal risk to the bishops who signed the letter.

“Where is your Brother?” (Gn. 4:9)

Pastoral Letter of the Catholic Bishops of Eritrea

Asmara – Eastertide
25th May, 2014

Jun 28, 2014, 7:33 am

Thanks John. Very interesting.

Edited: Jun 28, 2014, 7:57 am

Oh, while we are sharing context, perhaps a link to what Teilhard De Chardin quoting progressives look like here in Australia.

Nothing like you John, but it might help to show where my incorrect assumptions come from sometimes.

Jun 28, 2014, 1:07 pm

>3 hf22: Thanks. I read the first few paragraphs then gave up. It's as paranoid as some of the stuff from the "conservative" wing. It's also very Eurocentric and actually quite condescending towards the developing world.

Jun 28, 2014, 1:20 pm

>4 John5918:

Yes, actually reading it all would count as lenten penance.

You would be amazed how racist so called progressives can be here. Locally at my diocese, we have some great Indian born priests, who are orthodox, wise and pastoral (So many in fact my 4yo daughter was confused when we had a white temp priest - She wanted to know why Father was not brown).

Yet the crap they have to cop from some people because they don't want foreign born priests. It makes my skin crawl.

Edited: Jun 29, 2014, 2:48 am

>5 hf22: Ten years ago I was doing a speaking tour in Australia for Caritas, and I found myself deep in the outback in Geraldton Diocese at a parish where the priest was from west Africa. Although I have never been to west Africa, the poor bloke was so pleased to find someone he could relate to who actually understood something of his roots and culture that he didn't want to let me go and my minders had to prise me away from him to take me to my next place! Driving hundreds of kilometres in a ute down dirt roads between parishes and outstations actually reminded me very much of Africa, except for the kangaroos running across the road instead of gazelles.

I stayed one night at the bishops' house, a very modest little bungalow, and he had just come back from a 1,400 km road trip to visit one of his parishes. A huge diocese. Probably one of the bishops Francis would approve of! Mind you, Francis also appears to like George Pell. I stayed with him in Sydney as well and I have to say his residence is more of a palace than a bungalow.

Jun 28, 2014, 6:51 pm

I have never witnessed widespread open racism until I came to Australia.

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