
TalkIn Translation

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Jul 10, 2014, 2:30 pm

I was in Belgium in May and became interested in their celebrated poet Guido Gezelle. I start searching for an English translation of his work and was told that it just doesn't exist. In fact, that it would be impossible to translate into English. Is this really true and can you think of other authors that simply can't be translated? I had to satisfy myself with taking a picture of his statue.

Edited: Jul 10, 2014, 3:07 pm

>1 varielle: Do you know this : http://youtu.be/ieiRpiAArQU and http://youtu.be/BMlSXhc9204 (first in Dutch, followed by the English translation)
And here : http://www.gezelle.be/index.php?pid=102, you can find some books titles of Guido Gezelle's poems translated in English.

Jul 10, 2014, 3:15 pm

Thank you! I had a Belgian bookseller tell me it could never be done.

Jan 11, 2016, 4:07 pm

Not an author but a book that can't be translated properly: La Disparition by Georges Perec. It doesn't contain a single 'e'. Gilbert Adair did write a translation--A Void--but I've seen a passage in the original next to one from A Void and to say that liberties were taken would be an understatement.

Jan 12, 2016, 3:56 am

I'd think Ella Minnow Pea would be quite untranslatable for basically the same reason as given in #4. The letters that can be used disappear slowly over the book until only LMNOP are left. And there is also the search for a pangram. Any translation would basically be a different book.