Easy way to sort work multiples

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Easy way to sort work multiples

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Jan 10, 2015, 6:53 am


I just did an import to mop up books I had listed on Goodreads but not on here. And now I've ended up with nearly 400 work multiples due to differing isbns. Is there a way to display the multiples in one go in the catalogue (as if they were a collection) in order to delete the right ones, without having to click on the titles? I suspect not, but hoping to be surprised.


Jan 10, 2015, 8:51 am

If they have ISBNs, you can find "ISBN duplicates" by clicking on the Power Edit button (the lightning bolt) and choosing the "Miscellaneous Powers" tab. Using that, you can put all the duplicates into a collection or tag them appropriately.

If they are "quasi-duplicates" (like different editions of the same book) or not all the duplicates have ISBNs, you're stuck with using the Work Multiples page, which is clicking on each title.

Jan 10, 2015, 9:20 am

Oh well.

I'm finding deleting them on the Add books page is the least worst way of dealing with them at the moment. Once the list is filled up with books that don't say "There is another version of this work in Your books" it won't work, but for the moment it's fine.