magician romance book

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magician romance book

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May 29, 2016, 12:23 pm

There was this book I read in 7th grade where there was I think, a librarian, or a girl main character with a very dull brown haircut and glasses and she had a neighbor move in who happened to be a magician. They flirt a lot and develop a relationship and they have a lot of sex and I'm pretty sure it was softcore porn. At some point she gets this makeover and gets highlights in her hair and he gets jealous. They have sex on a doorway in a hotel? In the end I think they get married.

i was describing this book to my friends and i couldn't remember the title and it was so bad but pls i need to know the title lmao

May 30, 2016, 1:51 pm

Magician like a stage magician, or like a fantasy novel magician?