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Aug 12, 2016, 4:19 pm

What do you think Wes should have done when O'Shea had the gun at his car window?

Aug 12, 2016, 4:39 pm

Drove away very, very quickly. He was still in the car after all and the car was still running.

Aug 12, 2016, 5:09 pm

Little he could do! He's presumably not trained in high velocity or escape driving techniques...
O'Shea would have shot him or his car tyres out within a split second of his trying to manoeuvre.

Aug 12, 2016, 5:17 pm

I think he was done up like a kipper at this stage and it was too late to do anything. I thought he could have driven off, but don't think he would have escaped as he was trying a three point turn at this point (or at least I seem to remember he was).

Aug 12, 2016, 5:25 pm

Stomped on the accelerator and gotten the heck out of there

Aug 13, 2016, 11:39 am

Too hard to back out and get going with a gun pointed at your head.