Handwritten note and coincidences

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Handwritten note and coincidences

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Edited: Mar 25, 2017, 11:26 pm

I read a book not too long ago and I remember a specific passage from it, but I can't seem to remember the title or author.

There was a premise in which a man from the US had a book in his possession with a handwritten, signed note on the inside cover. He travelled to Paris (I'm almost certain it was Paris) with the book, and it ended up in circulation of one of the book stalls along the Seine. A woman of an influential family in the book, whose family vacationed in Paris yearly, came across the book in one of the stalls during a summer that she was in Paris, and bought it. I believe she then passed the book on to someone else, who knew the person who had initially written the note in the book.

The passage I remember talked about how this "coincidence" wasn't really a coincidence after all, and by relating the time of the man's presence in Paris to the woman's family's annual vacation, the probability that she would have found that exact exact copy of the book at that exact time was extremely likely and bound to happen.

Any help to figure out what book this is from would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!