Romance book set in Hawaii

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Romance book set in Hawaii

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Jul 8, 2017, 9:29 pm

Hi I've been going crazy looking for this book that I read around 2012-2014 I think? I can't remember the title and the author. The story was set in Hawaii. It was about this girl who likes this guy who's older than her but then she heard him talk about her with his fiancée saying that she's just a liability and stuff like that. So then she moved away to work for her father's company and came back a few years later and then she met the guy again and she tried to seduce him to like her but all those time the guy actually likes her too and yeah they get together and married each other.

Lmao please help me I think I'm going to go crazy if I don't find it. Thank you!!!!!

Jul 9, 2017, 4:05 am

You'll have better luck asking that question over in Name That Book: