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Aug 11, 2017, 6:17 pm

Why do you think Consuela tried to end things before going to Brazil when she found out her father was dying? Did you think this would end things?

Aug 11, 2017, 7:19 pm

She knew it would hurt her and him and her religion did not allow her to divorce and it would be an embarrassment all around and especially to her family. No Stoddard did not accept it being over and neither did she with the way she put her gloved finger on his lips and the way they looked at each other.

Aug 11, 2017, 9:51 pm

I think she wanted to do the honorable thing before they actually committed to one another physically. Up to this point it was still flirtation. Of course it wouldn't stop them because we already knew they somehow got together again.

Aug 16, 2017, 3:24 pm

I agree it was her best opportunity to end things before they went too far. Perhaps she was hoping that she'd have more resilience to tamp down her feelings while in Brazil if she told him it was over.