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Jan 10, 2019, 3:31 am

What did you make of the 911 call?

Jan 10, 2019, 5:49 am

I thought it was strange. It was also out of character for this killer. It never dawned on me that he was trying to bait Robert into coming to him.

Jan 10, 2019, 6:45 am

That was strange for the killer but when we found out why, it made sense.

Jan 10, 2019, 7:42 am

I wasn't surprised at anything the killer did. His MO (if he could be said to have one) was all over the place.

Jan 10, 2019, 9:26 am

It seemed strange but I didn't know why.

Jan 10, 2019, 10:58 am

I wasn't surprised by the call as the killer obviously wanted his victims found but it seemed a bit strange that he kept stressing Alison's name