Another year, here’s to 2020

TalkThe Slipcase

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Another year, here’s to 2020

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Dec 29, 2019, 5:27 am

Dear All,

I do hope you’ve all had a merry Christmas and are looking forward to a wonderful New Year celebrations of 2020 with dear friends and family.

2019 has almost passed, so quick. I’ve been working hard this year and have had some days off work and have indulged myself in the pursuit of finishing this journal to finally publish it online. It has lingered on my conscious since 2013, but now I want to give it a push to get it done. I want to cross off on my to-do list that I’ve published a magazine worth reading.

A copy of an updated version has been sent to Jonathan (Boldface) to fact-check, which I am immensely grateful for.

If any of you are interested in contributing, an article, poetry, observations, comments, recent purchases, ideas, anything at all, even a sentence, I would appreciate it and would love to have you listed as contributors in the journal.


The Editor

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