How do you correct an author's name when adding photo

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How do you correct an author's name when adding photo

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Apr 3, 2020, 11:02 pm

I catalogued a book by Hugh P. Macmillan. I decided to add an author's photo. However, based on the catalogue record, LibraryThing is convinced the author's name is macmillanhughp and I cannot figure out how to change it.

Apr 4, 2020, 2:54 am

A touchstone helps.

Hugh P. Macmillan

Edited: Apr 4, 2020, 3:30 am

I have aliased Hugh MacMillan (1) to that page, so the book shows up there.

When there is no book on a page, it is difficult for the computer to figure out how to treat the URL string. >2 2wonderY:'s touchstone did it, by giving the computer something to base a decision on. But I thought you might like to see the book there.

Amazon currently has the author listed correctly, so there is hope that if further copies are entered, the calculated author name will change to Hugh P.

Apr 4, 2020, 4:34 am

I like to plump up author pages, and particularly like to add details and photos on disambiguation pages. Interestingly, most of the authors named Hugh MacMillan are likely closely related.

Edited: Apr 4, 2020, 5:02 am

>4 2wonderY: I got the rest of the unassigned ones, including another birth date.

Hugh MacMillan