TalkThe Island - Books from Lost

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Edited: Mar 20, 2008, 7:00 am

I think some Oceanic Flight 815 could somehow have flown through a rip/tear in the Time Continuum of Space because how else could you explain something that is so large that makes the ground shake and could have picked up the Pilot in the first episode and left him atop the tree. I always felt it had to be some kind of a Monster or Dinosaur that snatched the Pilot right out of the broken Cock Pit. The old Pirate Ship the Black Rock could have gone through a terrible storm or hurricane and been deposited on the island or maybe it even went through the Bermuda Triangle. Locke knows the isalnd is magical and wants something from them. Maybe they were spared to be given a second chance to redeem themselves and right any wrongs they had made in the past. Maybe Locke was given his chance to go an adventure they denied when he was still in his wheel chair. Remember Stephen King's Mini-Series The Langoliers?


Edited: Mar 20, 2008, 8:26 am

I realize that this probably isn't the right place to discuss our theories about LOST however for now this is the only game in town and I think it would be nice if we all told each other what our theories are about our favorite tv show.


May 2, 2008, 4:19 pm

I have a nw theory that maybe what lifted the Pilot out of the Cock Pit of the Plane that Crashed on the Island could've been the black smoke we have all seen several times by now but then in the first episode of LOST you never saw it at the time. Any other theories out there about where our favorite Castaways since Gilligan's Island are and what they are doing there?


Edited: May 9, 2008, 9:15 am

I think we really need to form another LOST Group so we can talk about our favorite LOST theories and everything else that is not related to the books we find on LOST. Hey that sounds like an oxymoron to me, the books we find on LOST. lol!!! Anyway you know what I mean. And I think the Island really isn't an Island after all just something that is made up to look like one since Ben asked Locke what did Jacob say and he replied, move the Island. And what about Jack's father in the cabin with Clare? How does everyone else feel about the idea of having another LOST Group to discuss everything that is not related to the books on the show?


Mar 6, 2009, 9:11 am

Hey beatles1964,

One year later, I'm finally reading your posts. :-) I skipped them until now because I only watch the show on DVD. I didn't want any spoilers to ruin things for me.

I have a good blog suggestion for you if you're interested in discussing the show in another forum. Check out J. Wood's blog at powells.com:


There are always long discussion threads going on there. Of course, I can't really participate in them, because I'm not watching the show at the same time as everyone else! My wife and I are talking about buying the current season on DVD when it eventually comes out, watching it really fast, and then watching the final season in real time with the rest of the world. I have to say, though, that I've gotten quite used to watching the DVDs and being able to watch 3 episodes in a row if the mood strikes!