Karen Armstrong memoirs

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Karen Armstrong memoirs

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Jun 5, 2008, 10:44 pm

Has anyone read the second memoir from Karen Armstrong, after she left the convent?? I just finished her first one Through The Narrow Gate and really enjoyed reading it although much of it sounded very painful and unloving.

Jun 8, 2008, 7:30 pm

I have The Spiral Staircase : my climb out of darkness sitting in on an unread stack in my living room. This came out in 2004.

I do not own Through the narrow gate. It came out originally in 1981 and has had a clutch of subtitles over the years:
a nun's story
a memoir of life in and out of the convent
a memoir of convent life
a memoir of spiritual discovery
(I want to note that all these variations "Touchstoned"!)