Early Reviewers

Mission Veritas
The Carthenogens, “saviors” from another planet, assumed total control of Earth by preaching peace. Eighteen-year-old Vaughn Killian, son of the US ambassador to Thailand, knows otherwise; they killed his parents, forcing him to survive as a rebel for two hellish years in a purge of Bangkok.
  Now millions are dead and thousands are disappearing in massive airlifts every day, and Killian saw it all. The almond-eyed tyrants have a stranglehold on that information, all militaries, and the world at large.   Killian is determined to “resist to the death” and seizes the opportunity to join Black Saber, an elite cadre formed to oppose Carthenogen tyranny. To qualify, he and eleven other candidates must undergo a trial mission on Planet Veritas, a rugged mining outpost where the atmosphere makes people reveal their true selves. Killian must keep his past a secret at the risk of imprisonment. It’s a hard thing to do with a body full of scars—especially when Stiles Kerrington, an entitled son of a former US vice president, has singled him out for disqualification. If he fails the mission and can’t continue the fight, he’ll be jailed while the docile population on Earth is consumed, one city at a time. The publisher will make the title available in the following formats; mobi, epub or pdf.
Fiction and Literature
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April 2015
Starts: 2015-04-06
Ended: 2015-04-27
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