Early Reviewers

The Meowmorphosis
“One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that he had been changed into an adorable kitten.” The phenomenal success of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies inspired a massively popular literary-remix movement. Now Quirk Classics once again charts bold new territory, turning the monster-mash-up formula inside out to infuse Franz Kafka’s horrific masterpiece, “The Metamorphosis,” with the fuzziest, snuggliest, most adorable creatures possible: kittens! Gregor Samsa is a humble young man who supports his unemployed parents and teenage sister by working as a traveling fabric salesman. But his life goes strangely wrong in the very first sentence of The Meowmorphosis, when he wakes up late for work and discovers that he has inexplicably become an adorable kitten. His family must admit that, yes, their son is now OMG so cute—but what good is cute when there are bills to pay? How can Gregor be so selfish as to devote his attention to a ball of yarn? And how dare he jump out the bedroom window to wander through Kafka’s literary landscape? Never before has a cat’s tale been so poignant, strange, and horrifyingly funny. FRANZ KAFKA, author of The Trial, is one of the most influential fiction writers of the early 20th century. He died in 1924. COLERIDGE COOK is a pseudonym for one of the most acclaimed young writers of the early 21st. She is a beloved novelist, blogger and poet, and a Hugo and World Fantasy Award finalist.
General Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Offered by
Quirk Books (Publisher)
(User: quirkbooks)
April 2011
Starts: 2011-04-06
Ended: 2011-04-28
On Sale
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46 reviewed, 3 marked received
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