Publisher SeriesTaskutieto

Patterns of Culture by Ruth Benedict 1,104 copies, 4 reviews2
My Life in Art by Constantin Stanislavski 230 copies, 2 reviews5
Historian olemus by Johan Huizinga 11 copies8
Unpopular Essays by Bertrand Russell 704 copies, 3 reviews10
The Secret of Childhood by Maria Montessori 297 copies, 3 reviews11
What Jung Really Said by E.A. Bennet 131 copies, 2 reviews24
Daily Life of the Aztecs by Jacques Soustelle 438 copies, 2 reviews25
What Marx Really Said by H. B. Acton 27 copies26
Grekiska myter och sagor by Claes Lindskog 44 copies27
What Shaw Really Said by Ruth Adam 5 copies28
Die Revolution der modernen Kunst by Hans Sedlmayr 37 copies30
La Vie quotidienne en Allemagne au temps de Guillaume II, en 1900 by Pierre Bertraux 4 copies33
What Freud Really Said by David Stafford-Clark 144 copies36
Länsimaiden talousjärjestelmät pyyntitaloudesta suunnitelmatalouteen by Vilho Niitemaa 3 copies42
Mitä Gandhi todella sanoi by Unto Tähtinen 10 copies46
Mitä Luther todella sanoi by Gottfried Fitzer 6 copies52
Mitä Lenin todella sanoi by Franz Marek 7 copies57
Dying by John Hinton 103 copies, 1 review58
The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life by Erving Goffman 1,986 copies, 16 reviews67
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein 4,156 copies, 45 reviews70
What Darwin really said by Benjamin Farrington 65 copies, 1 review79
The Empty Space: A Book about the Theatre by Peter Brook 1,057 copies, 10 reviews84
Uskontotieteen näkökulmia by Lauri Honko 5 copies85
Mitä Jeesus todella sanoi by Gerhard Schwarz 2 copies96
Estetiikan kenttä by Markku Envall 5 copies98
Vihan veljistä valtiososialismiin : yhteiskunnallisia ja kansallisia näkemyksiä 1910-ja 1920-luvuilta by Matti Klinge 5 copies100
Chance and Necessity: An Essay on the Natural Philosophy of Modern Biology by Jacques Monod 723 copies, 8 reviews110
Taide kovassa maailmassa by Aarne Kinnunen 4 copies117
Beyond Freedom & Dignity by B. F. Skinner 1,146 copies, 10 reviews119
Ajatus ja julistus by Georg Henrik von Wright 29 copies, 1 review121
On Certainty by Ludwig Wittgenstein 1,356 copies, 7 reviews124
Kätilösammakon arvoitus : kirjoitelmia biologian vaiheista ja vaiheilta by Anto Leikola 11 copies126
Bernadotten ja Leninin välissä : tutkielmia kansallisista aiheista by Matti Klinge 7 copies128
Ajatus ja analyysi by Tauno Nyberg 9 copies134
Notebooks, 1914-1916 by Ludwig Wittgenstein 307 copies, 1 review135
Antiikin estetiikka by Aarne Kinnunen 5 copies136
Zettel by Ludwig Wittgenstein 308 copies140
Itämaiden estetiikka. Suomen estetiikan seuran vuosikirja 3 by Aarne Kinnunen 5 copies142
Aate ja maailmankuva: Suomen filosofista perintoa keskiajalta vuosisadallemme : Professori Jussi Tenkun 60-vuotispaivaksi toimittaneet Simo ... Niiniluoto (Taskutieto) (Finnish Edition) by Simo Knuuttila 5 copies147
Culture and Value by Ludwig Wittgenstein 701 copies, 3 reviews148
The Blue and Brown Books (Preliminary Studies for the Philosophical Investigations) by Ludwig Wittgenstein 1,334 copies, 5 reviews150
Philosophical Investigations by Ludwig Wittgenstein 3,439 copies, 19 reviews155
Remarks on Colour by Ludwig Wittgenstein 409 copies, 1 review157
Naurun biologiaa ja muita esseitä by Anto Leikola 11 copies158
Philosophical Remarks by Ludwig Wittgenstein 214 copies159
AIKA BIOLOGIASSA by Anto Leikola 11 copies161
Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics by Ludwig Wittgenstein 360 copies, 2 reviews162
Shakespeare, Our Contemporary by Jan Kott 307 copies, 3 reviews164
Kirjoituksia 1929-1938 by Ludwig Wittgenstein 13 copies166
Kotilokabinetti by Anto Leikola 13 copies168
Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology, Volume 1 by Ludwig Wittgenstein 74 copies170
Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology, Volume 2 by Ludwig Wittgenstein 71 copies171

