Publisher SeriesEnglish Language Series

The English language in West Africa by John Spencer 3 copies(Unnumbered)
Investigating English Style (English Language Series) by David Crystal 52 copies1
The movement of English prose by Ian A. Gordon 13 copies2
English in Advertising: Linguistic Study of Advertisement in Great Britain (English Language Series) by Geoffrey N. Leech 16 copies3
A linguistic guide to English poetry by Geoffrey N. Leech 65 copies, 1 review4
Word and symbol: Studies in English language (English language series) by C. L. Wrenn 5 copies5
The English Language in Australia and New Zealand. by G.W. Turner 8 copies6
An Introduction to Modern English Word Formation (English Language Series) by Valerie Adams 13 copies7
Speech in the English Novel by Norman Page 10 copies8
Cohesion in English by M. A. K. Halliday 68 copies9
An introduction to English transformational syntax by Rodney Huddleston 17 copies10
Meaning and Form (English Language Series) by Dwight Bolinger 3 copies11
Designs in prose : a study of compositional problems and methods by Walter Nash 5 copies12
Style in Fiction: A Linguistic Introduction to English Fictional Prose (English Language Series, 13) by Geoffrey N. Leech 77 copies, 1 review13
The rhythms of English poetry by Derek Attridge 23 copies14
Message and Emphasis: On Focus and Scope in English (English Language Series) by Josef Taglicht 4 copies15
The Language of Humour. Style and Technique in Comic Discourse by Walter Nash 10 copies16
Good English and the Grammarian (English Language Series) by Sidney Greenbaum 5 copies17
Rhythmic Phrasing in English Verse (English Language Series) by Richard D. Cureton 1 copy18
The English Infinitive (English Language Series) by Patrick J. Duffley 4 copies19
Creating texts : an introduction to the study of composition by Walter Nash 2 copies20
Adverbs and modality in English by Leo Hoye 2 copies(1997)
Language and the Creative Illusion: The Writing Game (English Language Series) by Walter Nash 1 copy(1998)
Complex Words in English, English Language Series by Valerie Adams 4 copies(2001)

DescriptionsEdit Descriptions

The English Language Series was a Longman series on English linguistics that emerged under the editorship of Randalph Quirk in the early 1970s. Initially it was not a numbered series, and some of the early volumes were colected into the new series. It then became a numbered series, and early volumes were provided with series numbers. However, the series numbering seems to have been abandoned after the twentieth volume in the series. (English, Member-written)

