Tagold growth forests

Includes: old growth forests, Old growth forests, Old Growth Forests, old-growth forests, Old Growth forests, Old-growth forests, OLD GROWTH FORESTS

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cbolling (5), benitastrnad (5), opirg-carleton (3), xaagmabag (2), BMSC (2), Scrabblenut (1), Zineapothecary (1), ozfiztheweird (1), Kathy-Whitney (1), updgenref (1), conwayschool (1), rodwms (1), arctangent (1), LunaSlashSea (1), knitica (1), StillwatersLibrary (1), ecos (1), Bloedel_Reserve (1), pmorris (1), tyoung0160 (1), ecotrust (1) and 21 other members

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