
TalkUber Readers

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Aug 20, 2007, 8:54 pm

Hi everyone, thought I would start a topic since there are none. I'm 31 and from Denver. Been reading uber, first online and later buying the books, since probably season 3 of Xena. Started off with Melissa Goods "Dar and Kerry" series.

Oct 22, 2007, 3:02 pm

Hello. It's been so long since I checked in here that someone has actually written a post. How cool is that?

I've been reading uber, online and off-line, since I discovered the Dar and Kerry series five years ago. I'd watched some Xena (but not religiously) so when I spotted some recommendations for this 'uber AU' type stuff (snicker) I decided to give it a whirl. My heart still lies with Dar and Kerry, but I do enjoy reading other stories when I can find the time.

I even discovered some in my local library recent, which shocked the heck out of me.

Dec 26, 2007, 5:36 pm

You know its been so long since I checked in here to that I was shocked to see a unread message. How very cool.

4omnibish First Message
Dec 29, 2007, 5:42 am

Hi, Wow theres three people talking! this now actually constitutes a group, yippee!!
I've not actually read any of the Dar and Kerry Series which you refer to, do you have the title of the first one? The story that recently turned me on to Uber was called "Somewhere in Time" under a tag name of Friction, and I've never looked back! It is specifically the Xena/Gabrielle characters that I love and the dynamic between them, I can handle different names and times and love the scope in can give the author, one thing I can't cope with very well is when they alter the apperance, I will never be able to picture a grey eyed Xena and thats that!

Happy New Year!

Dec 29, 2007, 8:46 pm

Yes, we have achieved group status!!!
I have to agree with you, I have a hard time to when they alter the uber Xena/Gabrielle. The first in the Dar/Kerry series is "Tropical Storm". All can still be found online at Merwolf.com. I even find myself disappointed when reading other lesbian romances and neither character reseamble Xena/Gabrielle.

Jan 2, 2008, 11:36 am

Hello!! Am now recovered form New Year and am back staring at the computer at work aaaaargh!! I admit I read very little fiction these days, tends to be more factual, spiritual or philisophical, the only fiction I really find myself reading is Xena fanfic!! So obviously I am crushingly dissapointed when I find they bear no resembelence to the characters that I love, I have been secretly obsessed with these two girls for ten years and I keep waiting for it to go away but it just seems to get worse!!

Anyhow, best go now as People seem to expect me to do some actual work! I don't know, the cheek of it!!

Jan 8, 2008, 10:49 am

I'm still trying to recover from New Year's and I had to work it. Actually been sick as a dog and still trying to get over that. I'm currently trying to get through Harry Potter. (2 to go) but in between those I'm reading just about anything I can get my hands on. So fanfic has taken a huge backseat, well sort of found that Melissa Good has started a new Dar/Kerry story set amongst 9/11. But I have to wait for updates which is slow going. Ah well, off to work again.

Jan 9, 2008, 4:13 am

Sorry to hear you've been unwell, hope your starting to feel a little better.

When Isaid I didn't read much fiction, Harry didn't count!! There are books, and then there are social events!!! Mind you I'm about the only person I know who thought Harry was predictable, I has guessed three main points to the end by the second book. Won't spoil it for you though!
I'm currently reading on a wing and a prayer, which is good but I'm not sure the Cass character resembles Xena all that closely, and also The book of General ignorance, teaching myself that Henry the Eighth technically only had 4 wive, and Thomas edison did not invent the lightbulb, anything to keep my mind amused!! Oh and almost all nuts are actually seeds :) Right now I'm pretty sure you'll never write to me again, I'd better get back to work!

Jan 9, 2008, 5:47 am

Oh and just to keep it even from your first post, I'm 28 (next Wednesday!) and from London.

Jan 13, 2008, 3:56 pm

hey there. thanks for the well wishes. doing better (finally dragged myself off to the quack dr.) and skipping work for a couple of days helped too.
Yeah Harry is a bit predictable isn't he.
Right now I'm working my way thru Sword of the Guardian. Neiter look like Xena or Gabby but its a good story. Also just bought 1st to Die and chomping at the bit to start it. (Having time off has put a dint in my stack of to read)

The Book of General Ignorace sounds intriguing. This from the woman who has The Uneyclopedia: Everything You Never Knew You Wanted to Know. I love obscure books and the trivia you can gain from it.

Happy early birthday. (have to say I loved being 28. And 30 isn't that bad 31 was the kicker)

Jan 15, 2008, 9:45 am

Hi again, Yeah Im well into Trivia myself, I just love knowing stuff! Like Lemmings don't jump off cliffs, and all outbreaks of Bubonic Plague come from the Marmots of Mongolia!
I have now finished reading 'Wing and a Prayer' it was quite good, but as I said not convinced by the Cass character, have also finished 'Graceful Waters' and for some reason I loved that one!! I actually got over the whole wrong coloured eyes thing for it :) am now reading Accidental Love (me and my credit card were busy on Amazon!) However I will need to read some other stuff soon. I have to read Wild Sargosso Sea and Medea for my History degree (Banker by day, mature student by Night, can be tough!) Why Wild Sargosso Sea in a History degree? I don't know - one of those rare occasions where I'll just do what I'm told!

Glad to hear you're all fully recovered and fighting fit, Never Heard of first to Die, whats it about?

Jan 17, 2008, 2:51 am

Its a murder mystery series by James Patterson, revolving around a cop, coroner, district attorney and reporter. (all women) the series is the Women's Murder Club. Heard good things about it.
You know I really enjoyed Graceful Waters too. Love Accidental Love (I have worn it from rereading so much).
Finished teh Sword of the Guardian and while I guessed the ending I plugged on. Waiting now for the next two books in the series. (I should go camp out on the authors porch since she lives about 45 mins from me.) :)

Wish I could be a mature student by night, but alas I have to play copper by night. Maybe I could join the rest of the human race and actually attend class in the light of day.
History degree is impressive, are you focused on a certain point of history or just history in general? Me I would probably be boring and do Criminal Justice or something very work related.
And how did we go from 3 people to just the two of us? Not that I'm complaining mind you. I am very much enjoying this but I just find it kind of funny. Or maybe it just the late hour and lack of sleep.
Well talk at you later my Uber Readers pal!

Jan 17, 2008, 5:50 am

No Idea how we ended up as a twosome!! as I said I never really chatted online before, probably wouldn't have had the courage to post in the first place if there hadn't been more than one! I think she posted in October so probably just got bored coming back to check the postings or something :)
Being a Brit, my love of History started when I was a kid - Screw Maid Marion, I always wanted to be Robin Hood :) and I had an obsession with castles and the Romans, I live near loads of ruins so......you know!My friend introdueced me to Xena and I actually refused to watch it for Two whole years as I was offended by it's messing with ancientmyth!! Till I realised that that is rather the point of a myth :) To inspire and entertain :) Never looked back!

I belive there is much to see and learn in the past, and that we don't have much of a future if we don't learn some of it's lessons, I grew up wanting to teach but University (College to you!) wasn't something that was a viable financial option at the time, So I got a job, worked hard, almost lost myself in another career, then realised I was in a position to fulfill my dream, so thats kinda what I'm doing now :)

Being a Copper is cool, I almost went into that myself a couple of years ago, I tip my hat (I don't wear a hat??!) to all emergency service workers, you guys play a vital and admirable role in society.

Anyway I really am waffling this time, this is so weird! opening up to a stranger! and on a public forum too! Your a bad influence on me :)

Jan 17, 2008, 8:11 pm

You know I always wanted to be Indiana Jones. :) Love his hat. History is quite interesting but living in the states our history is all pretty new (compared to yours). Though we do have Mesa Verde (Native American Ruins) which are pretty cool.

That always bugged me about Xena too, the messing with myths. But yeah they are there to retell. However it made me start reading them.

I had actually gone to college to study to be a science teacher. But after a while I just decided it really wasn't what I wanted to do. And thank you for the hat tip (even if you don't wear them.)

Never meant to be a bad influence. I usually lurk on the computer too. But this is kind of fun.
Now I have to get back to work.

Jan 18, 2008, 11:35 am

More prefer Indy's whip myself!!!!! I love films almost as much as books (maybe more actually) But Books never seem to make good films strangely? The Harry films look great, but skip so much. American Psyco, Lion Witch and the Wardrobe, anything by Stephen King, ALL Hannibal films (other than the Silence of the lambs) Atonement the list is endless! All perfectly good films, but lose so much of what you have in the books. Possible exception of Lord of the Rings, that ransferred brilliantly, I can certainly live without that Tom Bombadier guy, or whatever he was called!!! Would love to see the Hobbit made into film, though I'd likely faint at the spiders! hate the little arachnid buggers!!

What Science field were you studying? I am very interested in Evolution and genetics and read quite extensively around those two subjects, theres an author called Richard Dawkins (he's an evolutionary biologist) and he's one of my absolute heros, can be a little too scathing around religion at times, each to there own and all that, but other than that his work is fascinating. Especially "Unweaving the Rainbow" a commentry on why Science can be as beautiful as art!

You're right - this is fun! Though I'm fairly sure I'll manage to offend you somehow in time :) Don't really get to re-read before I post as I'm at work and rushing them a bit as my Wireless modem has gone on strike at home! Have the weekend off so I might attempt to fix it, either way thats my excuse for any bad spelling and Grammer and I'm sticking to it!

Jan 18, 2008, 3:32 pm

I am a movie whore. I admit it freely! I like being able to see some of these fantasy worlds that I read about. Your right Lord of the Rings is about the closest I have ever seen of movie and book. And Silence of the Lambs. I understand why film makers leave parts out, but still whine about it. And I think they are thinking of making a film version of the Hobbit (Peter Jackson even), but don't quote me on that one.

I was actually studying biology. I still find it terribly interesting. I don't tend to get to read up on it too much anymore. Find myself reading more on anti terrorism and the likes. Interesting yet boring at the same time (most are text books put out by the govenment). I instruct part time at the academy on the subject. Long story on how I got that wonderful job.

Well rest assured it takes a heck of a lot to offend me. And as I am now forwarned about the spelling and grammer and what not its all good. And I'll just stick to the fact that I'm American and we have been killing the English language for so long there is no hope for any of us. :)

Hope you have a good weekend I'm off to a lesbian wedding in the mountains! :) Fun times!

Jul 6, 2008, 11:52 pm

Hi, folks. Just thought I'd pop in here and say hi.

I heard about LibraryThing on Melissa Good's Merwolf group. Had to check it out, and loved the ease of adding books.

I've just scratched the surface of loading my library. I think I'm going to need to buy that cat thingie, or it'd take me a year. LOL.

So check out my library, and I'll do the same. But mine will be growing.

So nice to see other fans of uber out here.

I confess that I wasn't a huge fan of the Xena tv series either. In fact, I stopped watching when they had that season of arguments between them. But I tumbled into the Dar & Kerry series and loved it, and expanded from there.

Hugs. - Car

Jul 7, 2008, 12:07 pm

Welcome to the very small group! or at least small thread. :) Have to say I did watch all of Xena, came in just after all the arguments and then back tracked. I do enjoy Dar and Kerry more (probably cause I can relate more to them) along with many of the Ubers out there.

Aug 6, 2008, 2:10 pm

I just logged by into my account after a long hiatus and wanted to say hello. I just uploaded the 100+ books that I purchased since the last time I was online.

Jan 27, 2014, 9:26 am


anybody still here? it's been a while since last entry.... oh well!

here just to say I love uber and fanfiction myself and curious to know if omnibish got her history degree!! :-)