The Women Who Raised Me

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The Women Who Raised Me

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May 12, 2007, 11:28 am

Millions of us are familiar with Victoria Rowell as the character Drucilla Winters on the daytime soap opera “The Young and The Restless,” or as Amanda Bentley-Livingston on the former night-time drama, “Diagnosis Murder.” Many more are now discovering her as the author of an extraordinary memoir called The Women Who Raised Me.

The book is more than just a fantastic documentation of one woman’s growth and development––through the Foster Care System in the United States––to become a celebrated performance artist. It is also a series of portraits of the amazing women who blessed her life with their amazing grace. Rowell’s story proved such a profoundly compelling and inspiring one that it prompted me to write a review of it in the form of a poem called “A Dancer’s Strength and Grace.” To read it, please click or paste this link:

by Aberjhani
author of Encyclopedia of the Harlem Renaissance