Bank Heist In Roman Empire

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Bank Heist In Roman Empire

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Edited: Jun 13, 2015, 12:40 pm

Can anyone steer me to information and/or books where bank robberies are used in the Roman Empire. I know 'banks' as such did not exist as we know them today and temples were used as depositories during that time. But are there any books or references that speak to robberies or a robbery in Ancient Rome? Please email me at

Edited: Jun 15, 2015, 8:29 am

Not directly, but Lindsey Davies makes reference to the Roman banking system in several of her novels such as Ode to a Banker. I'm wondering if her sources might be listed publicly. Doesn't hurt to look. Even though most of her books are mysteries they seemed pretty detailed. I seem to recall in Scandal Takes a Holiday reference to funds being kept in temples.

Jun 10, 2016, 3:53 pm

Ruth Downey's Caveat emptor treats of coins, forging, theft...