Sustainable Living Book Clubs


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Sustainable Living Book Clubs

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Sep 4, 2019, 7:22 pm

The US Library of Congress has confirmed that sustainability and its personal action counterpart, sustainable living, are both immense subject areas, both horizontally (scope) and vertically (depth). I myself cannot possibly read every pertinent book, as a result, especially while moving my household. The solution on how to keep up with these subjects over the long term is to form local or regional or online book clubs, such as on the subject of sustainable living.

If that does not seem to you to be an immediately practical idea, there is an already existing alternative. Most of you live in areas where there is a garden club, farming club, and the like. Occasionally, you could then bring to those meetings the latest book you have read on sustainable living. Keep your focus on positive steps, or at least interesting questions.

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